The Fishermen's Museum
The Fishermen's Museum built in 1910, originally the first retail store operated by the Fishermen's Trading Company with Sir William Coaker as president of the Fishermen's Protective Union (FPU). The museum now holds an array or interesting artifacts pertaining to the fishing industry and also the local history.
The mural displayed on the side of the museum depicts the history of the fishery, from the time of the Vikings to the modern day fishermen. It was designed and painted by local artist and resident, Wayne Cuff.
The Fishermen's Museum is open for the season from June 29, 2022 until August 14, 2022. Weekly hours are; Wednesday to Sunday, 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Anyone wishing to visit the museum during closed hours may call the Town Office at 709 655 2119 to inquire if arrangements can be made to visit.